My Dearest Reins,
Today you are 10…a decade old! Today starts a new decade for you, a new chapter of life, and what I hope will be a decade of years filled with everything you could ever dream of.
My mind is flooded with so many incredible memories with you over the last ten years…memories that I store tightly locked into my mind, my heart, and my soul…memories that I will forever cherish and hold dear.
I’ll never forget welcoming you into the world on a Saturday morning, 2/6/2010, at 4:33am. Holding you for the first time was unlike any other moment in my life…my heart truly exploded in that moment…a moment that was intoxicating and will forever be etched in my mind. I was experiencing a miracle and that miracle was YOU. God chose ME to be your Mommy and I could not be more grateful for the miracle and the blessing that you truly are.
How lucky am I?! Lucky to be able to love you, to care for you, to guide you, to teach you, to hold your hand, to play with you, to laugh with you, to cry with you, and to cherish you every single day of your life.
You are one of God’s greatest gifts. You are mine and I am yours.
Reins, you have filled our lives with so much love and happiness and you have made us the parents that we are. You have taught us so much and we have discovered life even more through your touch, through your eyes, and through the love that you have shown us.
Every time I look at you, I am truly in awe. I’m in awe of the incredible little boy you have become and have always been. I sit and stare at you and thank God over and over for picking me to be a part of your life. I simply could not love you more. Often times we go back and forth…”I love you”, “I love you more”, “I love you most”, “I love you to infinity and beyond” and it’s true…you can’t possibly understand how much I love you. I know you feel the same because you continually show all of us how much you love us too.
Reins, you are loving, kind, caring, smart, funny, happy, and oh so handsome (I tell Daddy all of the time how “dreamy” you are)! You are thoughtful, generous, compassionate, respectful and you are a true leader. You are THE BEST son in the world and THE BEST big brother in the world! Daddy and I look at you with so much admiration and Addison idolizes you. When I talk about you to others, I beam with so much pride…you make us so so proud. You always put family first, thank you for loving your family the way that you do. Everyone who knows you, loves and adores you.
I thank God every single day for you and for all that he has blessed you and our family with. I ask God to walk with you and continue leading you in everything that you do. I truly believe that God has great plans for you…many more years to come filled with love, health, and happiness. I pray and pray that we will share so many more amazing memories with you as you grow into a young man and eventually into a man. I’m so so thankful that I’ll continue to be able to walk by your side in this journey of life and I’m excited to see what this next decade will bring you.
You are a STAR Reins Alexander Webb…continue to shine bright baby boy. Thank you for loving me the way you have and always remember to hold my hand and kiss me goodnight.
Happy 10th Birthday Reins…I love you so very much and I’m so very proud of you!
With all my heart,