Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson
I receive this question a lot…”How do you balance everything”? From an outsiders perspective it seems nearly impossible to do but somehow I manage to do it. The word “everything” is relative…we all have categories that make up that word in the sense that we will be talking about it today. And, I’m excited to share a bit more about how I balance everything in a way that enables me to be a successful business woman while wearing many hats.
First I must start with sharing that a few months back I was asked to be a Brand Ambassador for Vanity Fair lingerie, which is such an honor and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have the opportunity to serve in this capacity. The reason I share this is because Vanity Fair lingerie stands firmly behind empowering women to BE their very best and to DO their very best and I admire the history of their brand and their mission tremendously. I strongly support everything that Vanity Fair lingerie stands for and I feel empowered being a part of a brand that supports and encourages women in this way.
As part of their ambassador program, I have had the opportunity to create content here on KBStyled to showcase how amazing this brand truly is…you can read my first couple of posts HERE & HERE.
With that being said, they asked me to share more about my personal success as a business woman and how I balance wearing many hats…so here we are today!
I’m going to start with a confession…my balance is about as balanced as walking a tight rope across the grand canyon. It’s wobbly, jagged, and totally unbalanced at times. I can’t tell you that I have everything organized because I don’t. In fact, I can be rather unorganized at times and you will find me procrastinating, which frequently leads to total chaos.
BUT…here is what I know…I am a successful VP in Human Resources for a large bank, I run a thriving brand that has seen tremendous growth within the past 2 years, and most importantly I am a Wife and a Mommy. These are the primary hats that I wear on a daily basis and these are the roles that require as much balance as an unbalanced life will allow. Calm waters or chaos…I manage it and I manage it well.
There is no recipe to success to share with you today, but I will share that my balance will be different from your balance. Every successful woman must find what works for her. For me, it is prioritizing my responsiblites in a way that always begins with what’s most important. My family will never move from the #1 spot on that prioritization list. They will always come first. I work my way down that list and ensure that I am giving 100% of myself when wearing each and every hat. Sometimes the hats are on simultaneously but often times I try and seperate them out and focus on one role and one task at a time.
I don’t think it is going out on a limb here to say that most all successful business women wear many hats piled high and we do it while climbing a curvy broken unbalanced ladder. We are built to fill our plates to the brim and when we think we possibly can’t take anything else on, WE DO. My plate is ALWAYS filled to the brim but nothing ever falls off onto the table.
So here is what I would share with you…fuel yourself with a plate full of things that empower you and that feed your soul. Don’t be afraid to live an unbalanced imperfect life because there is a lot of success that will come out of imperfection. Create a balance that works for YOU and that allows YOU to be your very best. There is no script, no secret recipe for success, and no set schedule to follow…you write your own script, you create your own success, and you follow a schedule that works for you.
My personal success as a career woman is the result of a lot of hard work and A LOT of late nights! Hey…this Momma can get a lot done when left to herself late at night with a computer in front of her. 😉
I encourage you to never let the “unbalanced” moments discourage you because I’ve had many of those moments and they’ve only helped me be better along the way. Figure out what works for you and stick to it. AND don’t worry if your daily routines don’t reflect a perfectly planned out calendar within the pages of a planner. I know we all aspire to be much more organized but life isn’t perfect and neither is the path to becoming a successful business woman.
Thank you Vanity Fair lingerie for encouraging me to share more about my thoughts on being a successful business woman who wears many hats. I’d love to hear from you all…how do you balance everything?!
As always, thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day!

stunning, as usual! those sleeves are IT! priority lists are the only way!
Southern Elle Style
Thank you for sharing your insights, tips and encouragement! It is definitely a journey of ups and downs and I find that being gentle with myself when things don't go as expected is one of the best ways to keep positive and keep the good energy moving forward. What an amazing opportuity to be an ambassador for Vanity Fair Lingerie! Congrats!!!
xo Debbie |
xo Debbie |
This is spot on. So many successful women wear multiple hat and walk a tight rope, there's no magic trick for handling it all.
That top is gorgeous!! I love the sleeves! I try to balance what I need to get done with what I want to get done in a day. I also try to be realistic about how many tasks I can accomplish. Great post, thanks for sharing your insights!
Charlene The Frugal Fashionista
Thank you for sharing this! I love the analogy of a plate. I like to remember that it is okay to pile my plate high as long as those things are nourishing to me and my family. And the sleeves on that top are to die for!!
I balance what I need to get done by making a list every day and trying to get as much done on it.
Amanda ||
Love this Brooke! So true that you just have to learn to find your own balance. One person's recipe will not work for another, but finding people to support you along the way will make a huge difference. I've loved watching you grow this past year!
Totally agree with you! I think surrounding your self with positive energy regardless of how unbalanced your life is is the key. Love your post!
I love this! I've always been so amazed by how you're able to do so much and make it look so effortless! Also those sleeves are amazing!
Love reading this!! And love the encouraging word that a lot of good can come out of a life that is even, at times, unbalanced (because I sure feel like that sometimes!)
Cheers to you, friend and all of your successes!!
Christina | Fashion & Frills
I work a 9 to 5, have a blog and I'm in the midst of launching a new business. I balance by prioritizing what's important. I give myself one day a week that I don't work at all. I keep my eye on the prize, knowing that all of this work will pay off and I will end up having more free time and be able to do ONLY what I love.
Not being in a relationship or dating often helps me too. 😉
I balance also by creating a list of priorities and setting that within a schedule so that the balance feels natural which I feel is absolutely essential.
Iesha aka Lesh