Photos | Madi Flournoy Henderson
I’m switching gears today and talking about skincare with Ren Dermatology!
In my late 20’s, after having our son, I started to pay more attention to my skin. I quickly realized that I had not been taking care of my skin the way that I should have been and that I needed to make some rather drastic changes in my skincare routines.
It was also at this time that I had to have a few spots removed…being pre-cancerous, it was so important to take care of those spot without delaying. This was certainly a wake up call for me and I knew that going to see a Dermatologist once a year for a full body check would need to be a part of my new skincare routines. Unfortunately, I spent years and years baking in the sun and my skin began showing signs of the damage in my late 20’s.
After moving to Nashville, I was lucky enough to have a friend refer me to Ren Dermatology. Dr. Jennifer Lee has a STELLAR reputation so I knew that I would be in great hands under the care of her and her team.
During my visit with Dr. Lee she assessed my skin, reviewed my skincare routines, and began making recommendations for how I could not only improve my routines but also see a significant difference in the appearance and texture of my skin.
For over 10 years I have used a skin lightening product called Hydroquinone. Although I love this product, it was time to switch things up and try Lytera and I can say that I am so thrilled that I did! Lytera is a hydroquinone free lightening/brightening product that works beautifully on dark spots, acne scars, etc. And you can buy it without having to have a prescription, unlike Hydroquinone.
I also started using SkinMedica’s “Total Defense and Repair”. It’s so important to wear a daily sunscreen, especially on your face, and what I love most about this sunscreen is that it is tinted and it absorbs quickly without leaving your skin greasy or sticky. I always put this on before putting on my foundation…it makes a great base coat!
I’ve been using both Lytera and SkinMedica’s “Total Defense & Repair” for a few months now and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
If you live in the Nashville area and are in the market for a Dermatologist, I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Lee! Not only is she fantastic but her team is fantastic as well. Many times that I have been into the office for various skincare needs, I often times see Nurse Practitioner, Meleah Johnston, who is amazing as well!
I’m so excited to share with those of you who live in Nashville and the surrounding areas that Dr. Lee has so graciously offered to giveaway a skincare package to one lucky supporter of both KBStyled and Ren Dermatology! We will be giving away a bottle of Lytera, a bottle of SkinMedica’s “Total Defense & Repair”, as well as a chemical peel!
Entering this amazing giveaway is super easy…just follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter tool below! The giveaway will run until Wednesday, July 6, 2016 and a winner will be announced shortly after that. PLEASE note that you MUST live in Nashville or the local surrounding areas to be eligible to win…best of luck!
As always, thanks so much for stopping by and please let me know if you have any questions about today’s post! And thank you for supporting those brands and businesses that support KBStyled!

Great article and a huge fan of Ren Dermatology. Dr. Lee and her staff are great. Enjoyed reading about Lytera and I think I need to talk to Meleah to learn more about this product. 🙂
Yes for sure Melissa! I think you would really love Lytera too.
I like your jacket so much. It is really an interesting thing. Where did you find it?