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I’ve been so excited to share today’s post all week long…it is a post that is very near and dear to my heart because just a little over a year ago our sweet daughter, Addison, had open heart surgery.
I know, gasp, OPEN HEART SURGERY. It still takes my breath away to say it out loud and of course writing this takes me back to that exact day when I watched a team of medical professionals take her off to surgery while she held a nurses’ phone in her hand watching “Frozen”.
The myriad of emotions at that time in our lives was overwhelming. Addison’s case was rather common, unlike some children who have more severe cases with life long hurdles to overcome. So we were the lucky ones.
Six hours of surgery and minutes that felt like hours just ticking by as we waited to hear how she was doing. “Beautifully” was the report that we received from her surgeon…”Addison did beautifully”!
Her heart has been repaired and beyond frequent checkups, she is expected to live a normal full healthy life! Thank God…our baby girl’s heart has been mended.
Through this process we have met other families who share a similar story as ours and it has also provided us an opportunity to connect with our local American Heart Association.
Just this past year, I was invited to join a “passion committee” with our local American Heart Association. This invitation was such a welcomed invitation as I had been pondering how to become more involved with our AHA chapter and how best to honor Addison and give back.
Spreading the word about heart disease and the impact that this has on women is a large focus of this committee. Did you know that heart disease is the #1 killer of women?! Heart attack & stroke kills 1 in 3 women. Many women don’t think about heart disease and they certainly don’t think they could ever fall victim to this disease.
I’m sharing all of this because there is a way for YOU to make a difference. The American Heart Association is celebrating 12 years of the “Go Red For Women” movement. The more awareness, the more lives that can be saved!
National Wear Red Day is on February 5, 2016 and I encourage all of you to wear something red on this day (it can be anything…a top, a scarf, a piece of jewelry, etc). Join the fight against heart disease and help me honor not only Addison, but all of those women and children who have faced either heart disease or a heart defect.
I’m also so excited to share with you that I will be partnering with The American Heart Association and Kendra Scott to host our 1st annual event in honor of heart month, the Go Red For Women movement, and our sweet Addison. The event will be on Thursday, February 4, 2016 from 6-8pm at our local Kendra Scott store and I hope you will join us if you live close by (invitation is below).
Kendra Scott has been such an advocate for giving back and this will be the second event I have hosted with them to benefit our local AHA chapter. I feel so very lucky to have such an amazing brand as a part of my personal mission to honor Addison and to bring awareness to heart disease and its impact on women.
What’s even more special is that I was given the opportunity to design a pair of gorgeous red Kendra Scott earrings in honor of Addison and we are calling them the “Addison” earrings! How special is that?! These are the perfect earrings to honor all of those #heartwarriors out there!
For any “Addison” earrings that are purchased, 10% will go back to the American Heart Association! If you wish to purchase a pair of “Addison” earrings and in turn donate to the AHA, please call our local Nashville store and ask to speak with either Abby or Beth! Below is our store’s contact information.
To Order:
Kendra Scott Nashville
“Addison” earrings
Call: 1-615-600-4353
Other calls to action:
1) Will you commit to wearing red on 2/5/16, “National Wear Red Day”?!
2) If you live locally, will you attend our event on Thursday, 2/4/16 to honor Addison and raise awareness (and charitable donations) for our local AHA chapter?!
3) If you haven’t had your well woman check recently, will you commit to scheduling this and following through to ensure that your health is in balance?!
If you have had any personal experience with heart disease or have had a child that has a story to share, please let me know in the comments below.
Thank you so very much for reading today’s post. I know it was much longer than normal but it’s hard to open your heart and share something so important to you in just a few sentences. In advance, thank you for any support you will provide in my mission to honor Addison and all others impacted by defects or heart disease. Much love!

HOW AMAZING… God has truly worked a miracle and I know you couldn't be happier mama… wish I wasn't going to be out of town, but I will be supporting you from afar!!! HAPPY ALMOST HEART MONTH OXOX
What a happy ending…and a sweet story about your Addison! Love how you're partnering with this cause and Kendra Scott. Love Kendra Scott jewelry – so its a win/win! And can you stop looking so gorgeous in all these photos already?? 😉
Karen | GlamKaren.com
Wow! That must have been so scary for you! I'm so happy that your sweet baby girl is doing well and you ROCK the red! So blessed!
x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina
What a great story! I am so happy to hear that Addison is doing well, and you are honoring her (and others) in such a fabulous way!
Addison's story gets me every time. What a blessing that her surgery was so successful! Women's health, and especially heart health, is dear to me, so I thank you for doing your part to spread the word and encourage women to be proactive in their health. I have Feb. 4th down in my calender, and Isabel and I will be there!!!
So happy your Addison is doing well. What a wonderful cause. Beautiful photos as always!
x Mary
I'm so glad your daughter is better and you're wonderful for giving back like this! The earrings you designed are beautiful!
xx, Greta
That is amazing that you were able to design these in her honor!! What a great cause to bring attention too and I am glad she is doing well!!
First of all, so glad to hear your daughter is well now! God bless you all! This is such a great cause! Secondly, that red dress is gorgeous! I'm swooning over it! It's my fave color! Thanks for sharing! =)
Shop My New Online Store Below! =)
So much love for this post! So thankful Addison did beautifully, for the story her life is telling, and the ways it will bring hope to others. My husband and I cared for many CHD babies when we were living and working in China, many like Addison whose hearts were mended but many whose hearts were healed forever when they went to live in heaven with Jesus. This is a cause very near & dear to our hearts:)
Also, you look stunning as always! That red is a fabulous color on you and those earrings are perfection, they are a must have that I will be adding to my collection!
You look stunning that red dress looks perfect on you, I love the twirl so cute!!
I had no idea that your daughter had open heart surgery! Love that you've turned it into something positive.
What a touching story! So glad to hear your daughter is okay… such a strong litl' one! I adore this dress on you… the lines and flowiness are so fun! You look absolutely gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
xo, Jennifer
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!! I am so happy to hear that your daughter is doing well now – that must have been such a terrifying experience for you! I think that it is so amazing that you have been given the opportunity to honour Addison! I will definitely wear red on Feb. 5
The Frugal Fashionista
My momma would go crazy over this dress. She loves red and also loves to feel beautiful.
Brooke you are an amazing mommy! Addison is beautiful inside & out, and I am so very thankful she is past the surgery and doing wonderful! I will wear red on Feb 5 for Addison, Ally Rose & my niece Isabelle as well as those who have been impacted by heart disease. I'd love to come to the event, but I will be OOT for a work meeting. I am definitely going to purchase the earrings! Also, we have an area event on Wed evening, and I am going to suggest red as our team theme color. If it works, I'll send you a pic!
This dress is gorgeous! I'm loving the high-low effect.
Such a touching story. I am so glad to hear that she is doing great. I wish I lived closer so I could attend this amazing event.
Amanda || http://www.fortheloveofglitter.com
What a moving story Brooke. I am so thankful that you little Addison is well! I will do my best to attend the event in February!!!
Red is YOUR color lady! Loving this look and these photos! Werkl!
I can't handle the gorgeous-ness. You look like Miss America. This dress is so amazing on you! And I love the red Kendra's.
Cameron Proffitt
What a beautiful story! And you are looking just stunning of course! Red is definitely your color love!
XO! Kaitlin | Blonde Expeditions
This post truly touched my heart. What an unbelievable cause. So thankful your sweet angel is happy and healthy now. 🙂
Christina | Fashion & Frills
This is such a great cause! I'm so happy that your Addison is healthy and that you're able to touch so many others with your story and journey!
I love this dress too girl!!
Just amazing. I am so happy Addison is healthy and that you are helping so many others out their with your story! I will definitely be purchasing a pair and wearing red on 2.5.16! Gorgeous as always Brooke!
Brittany || http://www.prettyandsassy.com
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I know this post is old but I just started following your blog. I also have a heart condition and had to have surgery (thankfully not open heart). I am so grateful you opened up and shared your family's story. I think a lot more people struggle with this than we realize. It so inspiring to see a negative story turned into something so positive! Thanks for sharing.